Fairies and Fairy Tales

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A List of fairies and creatures of the fairy type for writers, artists and those intersted in folk religions. Learn More

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Germanic Fairy List

Alp (German)
A nightmare spirit which may rape men or woman in their sleep.

Spirit deity of various plants such as turnips, cabbage, flax and peas. 

Armee Furieuse (Swiss)
The wild hunt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt

Askefrue (German)
Tree Fairies

Attorcroppe (Saxon)
Snake Man http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Attorcroppe

Barbegazi (Austria)
Dwarf like creatures which have white fur, a long beard and enormous feet. They tavel through the mountains by sking with their feet or using them as snowshoes. In the sumer they live in caves and tunnels and don't come out until winter time. Because they live so high in the mountains in winter time people rarely ever see them. Though sometimes they will aid shepherds in rounding up lost sheep, dig people out of avalanches, or whistle to warn people of avalanches. They also love to surf on avalanches with their large feet.

Bazaloshtsh (German)
Germanic name for a banshee like being which cries beneath the windows of those about to die.

Berchta (German)
A white robed female spirit who oversees weaving and spinning in south germany. She like Holda often leads the wild hunt as well. She has one goose or swan foot like many other fairies of that region.

Biersal (German)
A house fairy which specilizes in keeping the cellar clean and in order and demands some beer in return for this.

Harahus (Germanic)
Word for a Sacred Grove of Trees

Hardmandle (Switzerland)
Dwarf like beings which scamper over moss and fell and are not exhausted by climbing steep precipices

Haule Mannerchen (German)
Elvish followers of Holda who are unique in that they are males who act as fates, endowing people with magical gifts, a job normally reserved for woman. 

Helhond (Netherlands)
Black hound with pointed ears, those who encountered them knew that someone they knew was about to dye. Their bark also warned people of coming death.

Heinenkleed (Saxon)
Departed spirits, who appear in the furious host in the retinue of former gods, and continue to lead a life of their own.

Heinze (also known as Heinezlmann, Polterkater and Katermann) (German)
Also known as the boot cat, they were a domestic fairy which lived in cellars or in trees next to someones house. They bring good luck to a household so care must be taken of the tree in which they reside or else luck will leave with them. They can't abide chopping or spinning on Thursday evenings. In addition to being lucky they help to keep stables and kitches safe, and aide in the choirs in those areas.

Holda (Germanic)
A deity of Christmas, Water, Snow and household concerns.

Holzeibel (Germany)
A German name for wood wives.

Kabouter (Netherlands)
Tiny men who live undergorund or in musrooms or at times house hold fairies.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabouter

Katzenveit (German)
A wood spirit (most likely a form of Scrat) which haunts the Fichtelberg and is used to frighten children (If you don't clean your room the Katzenveit will get you). He is rough and hairy looking, wears a red cap as most fairies do and loves to frolic in the cellars and kitchen. 

Klaas Vaak (Netherlands)
An elf that would poot people to sleep by throwing grains of sand on them.

Kobold (Germany)
Child size fairies which can either live in homes or in mines.

Koolhaas (Netherlands)
Straw from the last grain harvested which was made into a hare. The spirit inside this was good and could be brought into the barn to spend the winter before being brought back out in the spring.

Korengeest (Netherlands)
General name for the spirit of the corn which was honored in order to insure a good harvest.

Korred's Grotto (German)
Caves which lead to the dwarves homes wher they live underground in magnificent chambers, where they forge weapons and all manner of wonderous items. They will also capture heroes and men and bring them down, occasionally loading them up with treasure as gifts or keeping them forever. Dietrich Von Bern for example was fetched away by such a dwarf.

Krampus (Austria)
Punishes bad children at Christmas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus

Moss Folk, Wood Folk, Forest Folk, Wild Folk
Small in stature though somewhat larger than elves, gray colored beings are often hairy and clothed in moss. They act as Wood Wives. They helped out at a mill but were scared away when one of the workers offered them clothes.

Nikker (Netherlands)
Water fairies who are helpful and cheeful by nature, they are very polite. Though of course they also like to tease people They could also be dangerous however, for they would drwon people at times.

Norn (German)
The Spinners of fate, these fairies are the ones who control the world.

Oude Rode Ogen (Netherlands)
A boogie man figure who appears in black with fiery red eyes. He can appear as a seven foot long man or a large dog. The is a cannibalistic shapeshifter, who can appear naked.

Roggemoeder (Netherlands)
The Dutch name for the rye mother.

Roggenmohme, Larvenshcopper, Preinscheuhen (Germany)
The spirit of the grain fields who appears with long black teats, or iron teats. She kidsnaps children and occasionally tries to succle babies, but those she does will likely die. Originally she was a little more socialable and helped make good harvests. She is also some form of household fairy for she plays tricks on those who have not spun their distaffs clear on the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Rumpelstiltskin (German)
The famous character is in truth very different from what you think, but to understand him similar tales with the same being have to be studied.

Scrat, Waltschrat (Germany)
A shaggy wood elf. It is about the size of a child, as light as the wind, are always male and in some cases can appear as a butterfly. Every house has a schrezlein and if it is fostered he can being luck, he rides the cattle to drive them where they need to be and helps prepare the table. They appear to be wild and rough a bit like fauns, though they are primarily mentioned as house fairies. Although scrats are social towards humans they never appear in groups. Jacob Grimm speculated that their opposite is the wood wives. He also notes that  in the 6th and 7th centuries they must have been worshiped fore their were trees and temples dedicated to them.

Skohsl (German)
A wood sprite who was likely once a higher semi-devine or even divne being. He lived in sacred trees in the forests of Germany.

Stille Volk (German)
Good folk, a reference to fairy like beings. Such beings live in peace with humans, occasionally doing services for them such as smith work, weaving and baking. Many times they will aid men in making newly baked cakes and bread. They also require human help in somethings. For example they use human midwives, they also need humans to help them divide their treasure when there is a dispute. Finally they like to hold their weddings in human homes. 

Swan Maiden (German)
Swan maidens are powerful beings, spirits who lead men to victory but who can also be made helpless with the theft of their power to return to the heavens..

Tremsemutter (German)
A spirit of the grain fields who is dreaded by children, for they believe that she kidnaps children.

Wicht (German)
Small, weak little fairies which are spoken of as being childlike.

Wildiu Wip
A name for wood Wives

Witte Wieven (Netherlands)
The spirits of wise women who remained on earth to help people.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witte_Wieven

Wood Wives
Little fairies who live in the forest and can often bring luck to men, while also trading with them bread for objects that turn into gold.

Discover the motivation and personalities of the fairies in Fairy Tales
Writer's Guide to Fairies

A Writer's Guide to Fairies, Witches, and Vampires uses folklore and belief to explore the backgrounds, motivations, and personality traits people most commonly believed that fairies had.

This book will provide you with tools to understand the fairies in that encyclopedia of fairies with short entries or the fairytales you love.
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Art by Ty Hulse
Dragon and bunny - by Ty Hulse

Pixie and Koi by Ty Hulse

Steampunk Jellyfish by Ty Hulse

Fox Fairies by Ty Hulse

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