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Of the Glashan I have heard no news these many years, but earlier writers call him a brownie and give him the helpful characteristics of the Fenoderee. It may be that the Glashan has been lost in the Glashtyn through the similarity of their names ; the Glashtyn is now sometimes confused with the Fenoderee.

The Glashtyn is a kind of water-monster, ill-defined but not, I think, to be confused with the Glashan of the Scottish Highlands. Little is now heard of the Glashtyn in the Isle of Man, and perhaps its legend has been taken over by the Tarroo-ushtey. The same suggestion may be made concerning the Cabbal-ushtey or Water-horse, a dangerous creature. However, at Ballagorry Chapel in Maughold there used to be a bog-field, a marshy hollow which has long been filled up ; and an old woman who lived adjacent often heard the Glashtyn " tearing " at night in that field. But it was never seen, as the Tarroo was. That would be between 50 and 60 years ago.

The Glashan, as I found out afterwards, frequented
neighbouring farms till within a very late period. He
wore no clothes, and was hairy j and, according to
Train's history, Phynodderee, which means something
hairy, was frightened away by a gift of clothes — exactly
as the Skipness long-haired Gruagach was frightened
away by the offer of a coat and a cap. The Manks
brownie and the Argyllshire one each repeated a rhyme
over the clothes ; but the rhymes are not the same,
though they amount to the same thing.