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Klippe is the Forfarshire name for a fairy. A
well-known minister of the Church of Scotland
related, this century, at a dinner in Edinburgh,
how his father had met a klippe in a bare moor-
land in Forfarshire, a little brown-faced elf who
started up on the path before him, walked before
him awhile and then vanished.

It was the poets who gave the " still people "
the epithet of " the crew that never rest." Our
good neighbours from pigmyland seem to have
been divided into various classes or degrees.
There were trows or drows, which derivation
Scott explains " being a corruption of duergar or
dwarf, and who may, in most respects, be identi-
fied with the Caledonian fairies." It was the
skow or Biergen trold that Lucas Jacobsen