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Extracted from Henderson's Books

In the county of Westmoreland and some adjacent parts of  Yorkshire there was formerly a belief in the existence of... being, called the Capelthwaite. He had the power of appearing in the form of any quadruped, but usually chose that of a large black dog. Fifty years ago there was, perhaps still is, in the parish of Beetham, near the town of Milnthorpe, a barn called Capelthwaite barn, as having been the residence of such a being. He was very well disposed towards the occupants of the barn, who suffered him to haunt it unmolested. For them lie performed various kind acts, especially helping them in driving home their sheep. On one occasion he is said, after a hard ' I am informed by Mr. Dodson that there are several " boggart barns " in the neighbourhood of Preston — in fact, that ahnost every village contains one,  chase, to have driven a hare by mistake into the barn, observing, " How quickly that sheep runs." Towards all other persons he appears to have been very spiteful and mischievous, so much so that tradition tells of a Vicar of Beetham in former days going out in his ecclesiastical vestments and saying some prayers or forms of exorcism with intent to " lay " this troublesome sprite in the river Bela. Accordingly the Capelthwaite does not seem to have appeared in later times, except that a man of the neighbourhood who returned home late at night, tipsy, much bruised, and without coat or hat, persist- ently assured his wife that he had met the Capelthwaite, who threw him over a hedge and deprived him of those articles of

There was also a farm in Yorkshire, not far from the town of Sedbergh, called Capelthwaite fafm, and said to be haunted by such a being. Of his reputed doings I can give no account, further than that the stuffed skins of five calves were preserved there, which calves were born at a birth — a fact ascribed to the influence of the Capelthwaite. These particulars were communicated to me by the Kev. W. De Lancey Lawson.