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Japanese fairy tales Oni Tengu Kitsune Tanuki Kami
Koremotschi and the Oni
Koremotschi was one of the bravest generals of the eleventh century. He
was an avid hunter who roamed the wild mountains which were densely
covered with maple forests with a small hunting party. The mountains
were haunted by evil oni and yokai which lured people into traps and
danger. It was out here in these dangerous and lonely mountains that
Koremotschi experienced the most miraculous of occurrences.
One day while the brave warriors were out hunting Koremotschi saw a
gorge under the mountains with a beautiful girl dancing and singing
with a group of servants. Koremotschi was astonished by this and sent
one of his vassals to ask the pretty girl if he might speak with her.
The messenger bore the request to one of the girl’s maids who
said that her mistress would be pleased to entertain the excellent
Koremotschi handed his bow to his men then entered the circle of lovely
women. The lady told him that he was welcome. Charmed by the very
nature of the girls, Koremotschi sat down and listened to the beautiful
music which was song in his honor. Their hostess meanwhile handed his
men the most delicious foods and wine for dessert. Koremotschi grew so
relaxed that he suspected no evil from the girls, and so after some
time he and his men fell into a deep sleep due to some evil magic. For
the girl was in fact a bloodthirsty oni who had lured the brave samurai
to kill him. Now that he had fallen into a magic sleep the oni took his
sword and dagger from him.
Knowing what had happened the Kami Jalmta Hatschiman, one of the
patrons of brave samurai in Japan knew of the danger which had befallen
Koremotschi and so laid a sword beside Koremotschi and pulled on his
garments to wake him.
Koremotschi awoke with great surprise to the twilight sky. The
beautiful enchantment which had hidden the identity of the oni had
vanished. Seeing the strange sword at his side Koremotschi knew that
the kami was with him, so he leapt up with sword in hand.
But Jabata’s presence stopped the Oni from coming forward at first.
With his sword in his hand Koremotschi attacked the oni, blocking a
blow from his heavy club. The oni in his true form was an evil spirit
with long tangled hair which fell around his blood-red face. The
two of them entered battle but the yokai knew he could not hold up
against the power of the kami’s sword. So he jumped in quickly
hoping to strangle his opponent before he could gather himself. But
Koremotschi struck with the holy sword, cutting down the goblin. Then
he took the oni as a trophy and held it aloft with the sword of the
kami in hand.
He returned home that night to find his men worried about his late
returned and so he was received with great rejoicing and greater praise
and wonder as recounted his battle with the oni. They then praised his
fame and the kami Zjabata. The news of his adventure soon filled the
world and the name of Koremotschi continues to be told to this day.