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Russian Fairy Tales


Sirin’s are creatures from Russian Mythology which have the head and chest of a beautiful woman and the body of an owl which wears a crown or has a halo. Sirin’s sing beautiful songs of praise to the saints which foretell the future joys of humanity. Like most things in Fairy Tales (especially Russian Fairy Tales) the Sirin is not straight forward. For men who would hear them would forget everything on earth and would follow them until they died. What we see from this is that there is a dangerous draw to the land of the dead. Later they became symbolic of happiness, and it was believed that only the truly happy could hear them. Like Baba Yaga, Frost and many other Russian Monsters and Fairies the Sirin could be equated to a test of purity; singing songs to the saints of joy on the one hand while killing those who are less pure with those same songs of joy.
