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Fairy Poems for Children
See Fairy Songs

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Nymph's - Fairy Song


Nymphs, born from Ocean’s streams
Dwelling in liquid caverns beneath the waves
Nurses of Dyinysus’s powers who sustains every flower
Earthly rejoicing, who in meadows dwell,

In deep caverns to roam and on the wind to fly
Through dew and fountains and gently singing streams
Seen and unseen, with joy and wanderings wide
And gentle course, through flowery vales to glide

Nymph's - Fairy Song

A fairy song
by William Shakespeare

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,

Nymph's - Fairy Song

The Mountain Sprite
Thomas Moore

In yonder valley there dwelt, alone,
Ayouth, whose moments had calmly flown,
‘Till spells came o’er him, and, day and night,
He was haunted and watch’d by a Mountain Sprite.

As once, by moonlight, he wander’d o’er
The Golden sands of that island shore;
A foot-print sparkled before his sight-
‘Twas the fairy foot of the Mountain Sprit!

Nymph's - Fairy Song

Fairy Song

UPON that night, when fairies light
On Cassilis Downans dance,
Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze,
On sprightly coursers prance;
Or for Colean the rout is ta’en,
Beneath the moon’s pale beams;
There, up the Cove, to stray an’ rove,
Amang the rocks and streams
To sport that night;
Amang the bonie winding banks,
Treasure Hunt
Kinsman of Hiisi! rise, awake, thou mountain haltia, to show me the path, to point to a full-grown man the place where booty is to be obtained, treasures can be opened up before a man who is making search, a fellow creeping on his knees.
Come Pan, whom rural haunts delight,
Come, leaping, agile, wand'ring, starry light;
The Hours and Seasons, wait thy high command,
And round thy throne in graceful order stand.

Goat-footed, horned, Bacchanalian Pan,
Whose various parts by thee inspir'd, combine
In endless dance and melod.y
In thee a refuge from our fears we find,
Those fears peculiar to the human kind.